Lauren Riordan
As an artist I work hard to develop my work that speaks to me and the public about the influence of emotions, music and childhood on our lives. I work in the media of photography, sculpture and painting. I believe art is a form of personal expression, an outlet for your emotions and feelings in a creative way. I think by expressing my interpretations of emotions, music and childhood in art I help other people who are not artistic to better understand themselves and the topics portrayed in my artwork.
All my artwork stems from my own personal experiences. In painting I use acrylic paint and I mix all my own colours using only three primary colours and of course white, I apply this to both my portraits and my paintings depicting emotions and feelings. When painting emotions and feelings all colours are personal interpretations. A palette knife is a tool of choice for these works as I feel it is most fitting for the mark making I want to achieve. I hope to provide solace to people who also see these sets of emotions and feelings through these particular colours. My artwork is constantly evolving in parallel to the development of my colour theory throughout my artistic career, and as I become older my work evolves along with myself to a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.