
‘The Faces of Fine Art’ is an exhibition by 1st year TUD creative arts students. It’s showcasing our favourite and most successful pieces throughout the year.
You will see body painting, sculpture, abstract work, multimedia, print work and much more.
The exhibition is the product of a series of work and research by all participants.
For further pieces please visit any social media linked by the artists and check out the zoom presentation where we will be answering any questions relating to the work and art practice.
We hope you enjoy.

Our artists:

(please click on the name, to open the gallery)
Jessie Aylmer

Jessie Aylmer

Lauren Burke

Lauren Burke
Maria Byrne

Maria Byrne

Zuzanna Dunne

Zuzanna Dunne
Johannah Fennessy

Johannah Fennessy

Lu Forrester

Lu Forrester
Aoife Hellier

Aoife Hellier

Aoife Keeley

Aoife Keeley
Sarah Lundy

Sarah Lundy

Ellen McEntaggart

Ellen McEntaggart
Shanna Norton

Shanna Norton

Leigha Oglesby

Leigha Oglesby
Lauren Riordan

Lauren Riordan

Emma Swan

Emma Swan

Thank you for your visit